Behind the Scenes Building an Escape Room
“How do you come up with these escape rooms?” “Do you get to design the games?” Our game masters get asked questions like these all the time. Why don’t we dive into the answers together?
All our rooms are built in-house
Lots of escape room companies will outsource the creation of their rooms. This is just like any business decision on outsourcing vs in-house; it takes a lot of time or a lot of money. In our case, we opted to curate an in-house development team. This is how we create unique experience that all our staff is proud of. When you step into one of our rooms, you can feel our brand in every aspect of the game.
Our design committee meets every two weeks to brainstorm how we can improve our games.
From solving puzzles to creating them, here at Murfreesboro Escape Rooms we believe that there are no bad ideas. This is why our design meetings look like throwing pasta(way) at a wall to see what sticks. Nothing is off the table; there is no budget, no limits. This allows everyone to speak aloud any idea.
Previously, our design process was taking a series of original puzzles and creating a story to go with them. Now, much like writing a movie, we start with a broad story and fill in specifics, like puzzles and characters, after.
We begin by brainstorming any number of story themes. From this wide collection of ideas we will narrow down to a single theme, then start the process again, this time brainstorming narratives until we decide on a single plot line. This same process of passing ideas through a series of funnels is repeated for designing the set layout and furnishing, creating the puzzles, and naming the game.
Win tickets
We have a raffle where you can win one of the 10x games for our brand new game PastaWay coming in November along with a $75 voucher for Marina’s on the Square restaurant. All you have to do is head on our facebook page:
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